Contact Info



Phone Numbers

021 – 976 2339
F: 021 – 976 2460

T: 021 – 976 2339
F: 021 – 976 2460

021 – 976 2339
F: 021 – 976 2460

Knowing what to expect about an upcoming operation is of utmost importance and provides comfort to both you and your family. To help in your preparation, we have outlined information that allows you to take care of some important aspects before you come to the The Surgical Institute.

Scheduling your operation

Your surgeon’s office will:

  1. Schedule your procedure with our scheduling staff
  2. Contact you with any individualized information and instructions prior to your procedure. It is your responsibility (and your surgeon’s office) to pre-authorize the procedure with your Medical Aid and ensure all scheduling is in order.

Should you be a private patient (no Medical Aid) your surgeon may offer you an all inclusive operation package or request a quote for the use of The Surgical Institute facility. See “Payment Information“.

Please contact our admission staff should you need advise or assistance.

Registering with The Surgical Institute

Your surgeon’s office will be responsible to book your procedure with The Surgical Institute and to inform you of all the necessary registration requirements. This process is highly individualized to ensure you are fully informed of all your relevant information.

You will be required to timelessly complete the following documents at least five days prior to your admission (preferably).

  1. Admissions Form
  2. Terms and Conditions
  3. Consent Forms
  4. Procedural Fact Sheet (must be read and signed before signing your consent form) (Please note that your surgeon remains responsible to fully inform you of all details regarding your operation.)
  5. Medical History Form

These forms can be printed, completed and delivered preferably 5 days prior to your operation, but no later than 48 hours to The Surgical Institute during office hours.

(Office hours: Monday to Friday 08h00 — 16h00 – contact no: 021-976 2339)

On receipt of all the correct documentation, The Surgical Institute will confirm this with you 24-48 hours prior to your surgery. You are more than welcome to call in as well.

Arrival Time

  1. Your operation may be cancelled should you be late.
  2. Your arrival time should be 1 hour before your scheduled operation time in order to complete all the necessary preparations unless otherwise instructed:
    All morning (am) cases: Arrive @ 07h15
    All evening (pm) cases: Arrive @ 12h15

Preparing for your Surgery

Plan properly by empowering yourself with information:

  1. From your surgeon – about your specific operation and remember frequently asked questions like:
    1. When can I return to normal activity?
    2. When can I return to work?
    3. When can I bath/shower?
    4. Do I change the bandage?
    5. Are there any diet restrictions due to my surgical procedure?
    6. Do I need crutches after surgery?
    7. Can I bear weight on the extremely on which I had surgery?
    8. Are there any special instructions?
    9. What should I watch for that I would need to call your office?
  2. From this The Surgical Institute website: – The Procedural Fact Sheet is a wealth of general and specific surgical information. This must be read and signed.


  1. Why can’t I have anything to eat or drink after midnight the night before surgery?Because stomach contents are hazardous when having any type of anaesthesia. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PRE-PROCEDURAL INSTRUCTION – DO NOT EAT, DRINK, OR SMOKE ANYTHING after midnight the night before your procedure, unless otherwise instructed.
    • Gum, breath mints, chewing tobacco, smoking tobacco and vitamins are not to be used within six hours prior to coming to The Surgical Institute. No smoking at least 14 days pre and post surgery. Speak to your surgeon. (See Fact Sheet – Smoking)
    • Children under the age of three may have clear liquids until 3 a.m. Clear liquids are defined as: water, apple juice or lemon-lime soda. Breast milk may be given up to midnight.
  2. What about my medications?
    • DO take your heart, blood pressure, asthma, Parkinson’s or seizure medications with a sip of water the morning of your procedure.
    • DO NOT take any other medications 12 hours prior to procedure. This includes any oral diabetic medication or insulin, unless instructed by the nurse or physician. Bring your insulin with you.
    • Please bring a list of all medications (including herbal and over the counter medications) with you the day of your procedure.
    • Use your asthma or other lung inhalers in the morning and be sure to bring them with you.
    • Contact your surgeon for instructions if you are taking aspirin, aspirin products, blood thinners, MAO inhibitors, or have taken diet pills (phen/fen or redux). Some medications need to be stopped a few days before the procedure.
    • Please note: Do not take supplements, vitamins or anything without the surgeon’s consent at least 10 days prior to surgery.
    • Omega 3/6, Fish Oil, Salmon Oil, Vitamin C, E and A, Primrose Oil, herbs + herbal products can all cause bleeding.
    • No red wine 3 days prior to surgery – red wine contains resveratrol that may cause bleeding during surgery.
  3. What if I have special needs?
    • Please call us and we can assist where possible.
  4. What if I feel ill before my procedure?Notify your surgeon if you develop any of the following:
    • Fever
    • Open Wounds
    • Skin Infection
    • Sore throat
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Diarrhoea
    • Cough or congestion
    • Chicken Pox exposure/illness within two weeks of surgery
    • Any other problems that may interfere with your scheduled surgery
  5. How should I get ready?
    • Bath and shampoo before coming to the hospital – this helps to prevent infection.
    • Make sure your hair is dry prior to arriving. Pull back long hair with an elastic band.
    • Wear loose clothing that is easy to get off and on, which will fit over a dressing.
    • Do not wear any makeup or jewellery (including any body piercing) or metal hair accessories.
    • Do not bring other valuables.
  6. What should I bring with me?
    1. NB: The following documents
      1. Identity document
      2. Medical Aid card
    2. Cases for eyeglasses, contact lenses or hearing aids. All personal belongings will remain with your family member during the procedure.
    3. Cash or a credit card for your co-payments (depending on your Medical Aid) and settling private accounts on discharge and filling any post- surgical prescriptions. Note: The cost of prescriptions cannot be added to your bill. The Surgical Institute does not dispense medication.
    4. If you have planned to overnight at Maison Rue Wellness and Recovery – please bring a small bag with personnel items change of loose clothes/pajamas (toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, comb or brush, shaving kit, other toiletries)

What surgery patients can typically expect on the day of surgery.

Reception and Admitting

The purpose: To ensure all documents are completed correctly and ensure payments or co-payments are made.


  1. Patient Information Form
  2. Terms and Conditions of The Surgical Institute
  3. Procedural Fact Sheet
  4. Consent Forms: Procedural and Anaesthetic
  5. Medical History Form

You will then be taken to the day ward.

Remember: In order to make you experience a pleasant one, we ask that you assist by arriving timelessly, completing forms and the pre-admission protocol, having friends or family assist you, but making sure they are aware of The Surgical Institute protocols.

Day Ward – Pre Operative

A nurse will accompany you to your day bed and perform an assessment and prepare you for surgery. This may include changing into hospital clothes, doing vital signs, height, weight, skin prep etc. as necessary.

Your surgeon may visit you to ensure all is in order, mark the operation site if required and answer any relevant questions. Your anaesthesiologist will also see you to review your medical fitness and examine you. The nurse will correctly identify you with the application of an armband and verify patient details like: allergies, procedure, correct surgical site, consent etc.

Children may receive a pre-medication. This makes them unsteady and likely to fall so the parent must watch closely at all times. Waiting times before your procedure starts may vary due to delays in admissions, times of operations and emergencies. We will make every effort to keep you informed is a delay occurs.

You will be transported to the theatre by a member of the surgical team. In case of a minor/child, one parent may accompany the child into theatre but will be escorted out as soon as the child starts to sleep.

The Theater

A nurse will once again identify you, the operative site and ask you about all allergies.

Monitors will be applied and an intravenous line started. The anaesthetic will be administered before the procedure begins.

Recovery Room

Your recovery begins with individual nursing care, including pain management. The time spent in the Recovery Room may vary depending on your needs, the type of anaesthesia and the procedure performed. Family will not be able to visit in the Recovery Room. Once you have met specific medical criteria, you will be transferred back to the day ward.

Day Ward Post-Operative

A nurse will monitor your vital signs and manage your pain, fluids and treat nausea and vomiting if present. You will be provided with discharge information and when in a stable condition, discharged to the person who is taking you home and caring for you for the first 24 hours after surgery.

What to expect during the first few days after your surgery:

  1. Patients who have received sedation or general anaesthesia should not drive or operate a vehicle for 24 hours after the procedure.
  2. Patients sometimes experience minor after-effects from anaesthesia such as drowsiness, nausea, muscle aches, a sore throat and occasional dizziness or headaches.
  3. These after-effects lessen rapidly in the hours following your procedure. The majority of patients do not feel up to their typical activities the next day, usually due to general tiredness or surgical discomfort.
  4. Plan to take it easy for a few days until you feel back to normal. Know that a period of recovery at home is common and to be expected.
  5. Call your physician if you have questions about the operative site, what you can and cannot do, or when you can return to work.
  6. In case of emergency – Dr details / The Surgical Institute – office / Nearest 24hr Emergency hospital

A patient satisfactory survey group may contact you regarding your surgical experience. Please do not hesitate to offer suggestions or comments; your opinions are most welcome. Your suggestions will help us to constantly improve our service to patients.